Friday, March 4, 2011

Plodding along

Things are going along.  My husband Rob is still doing well with his shoulder surgery recovery, but was told today that he was using it too much and to ease up.  He's been more careful today....

He is able to drive some again, but very limited so I am still the driver.  I'm more tired than I'd been and am resting more to compensate.  So far the crushing fatigue is holding at bay and I just have the pain.

My eating plan has stopped working.  I have started gaining weight at a fairly quick rate.  So, I have adjusted my eating plan.  I have added back meat and a little dairy.  I have cut out grain based carbs and am eating lots of veggies and fruit.  No sugar & no salt added.  I've been doing it for just a few days and I actually feel a little stronger.  I was getting all my protein from beans and soy based substitutes.  I'd been eating that way for almost 3 years.  It had been working fine for me.  I have no idea what happened.  Any ideas?

Our little dog has some sort of skin infection and needs a bath three times a week.  That is hard for me, but so far I am managing.  He was so sick.  The vet was very concerned about him.  He's on antibiotics and steroids too.  He's a little shi tzu and I love him dearly.  We also have a big dog (almost 100 lbs) who is a sweet heart too.  They provide us with a lot of joy and companionship. 

So in spite of how I might feel, life continues.  The good and bad times come and go.  My symptoms ebb and flow along with all of it.  And it's good to be part of life, even from the side lines.  Some days the phone or Internet is my sole companion. Rob's other illnesses sometimes cause him to withdraw and sleep a lot. 

Thanks for being a part of my life.




  1. Elaine ~

    It must be so hard on your dh to be laid-up the way he is!

    Ohhh, I love to drive and I never take it for granted that I am able to, when so many of us can't! It's soo scary driving when you are in a cfids crash those times it can't be avoided. Even on the best of days driving is more of a challenge than it was pre-cfids. Scary stuff.

    It's not fair you gained weight! Glad you are eating meat now. I truly believe we need it for health. It seems like tweaking our diet now and then is a needed thing. On Dr. Weil's anti-inflammation diet, I am eating less protein and more healthy carbs. I think I'm losing weight. Yay! I'm supposed to get most of my meat protein from safe fish and organic eggs now, and legumes. A little poultry, and even less beef and pork (if at all). He says too much protein is bad for RA.

    I hope your dear pup gets better soon. Sounds like you are getting work-outs giving him those baths!

    Grateful to be a small part of your life, Judy

  2. Elaine, your dogs must be the most adorable Mutt & Jeff combination! :) I hope the little one is improving. At least we humans can reason with our suffering - it's so hard to see animals in misery.

    Like Judy, I find that I have to tweak my diet every so often, too, so I think you're in good company! Re: the meat, I seem to need it as well. I know that vitamin B-12 (shots or sublingual) is often recommended for people w/ CFS, and as I understand it that's only found in meat and dairy foods. It's one of the vitamins that's depleted more quickly in times of stress (I think). I usually eat vegetarian in the summer, but I make sure to supplement w/ B-12 (3,000 micrograms a day).

    I hope Rob's healing gets back on track, and that you can find not only rest but refreshment as you continue. Here's a big, warm, gentle hug. OOO

  3. I thought I left a comment, but am thinking now...nope...just brain fog! I have to change my diet up too, as I easily gain weight. Hoping to keep off the 8lbs I lost with gallbladder issues. I know that eating alot of rice products causes me to gain. Should probably be grain free, not just gluten free.
    Oh, glad to hear Rob is doing better...and hope you both are restored soon.

  4. Judy,
    Thanks so much. I never drive in a crash and seldom drive if I can avoid it. I don't feel safe for other people.... I have no choice right now and thankfully I'm doing faily well right now.. resting lots as the driving does wear me out.

    I'm glad you have found a program that seems to work for you. I guess its one of those things that we have to work with too...


  5. Stacy,
    The dogs are such a fun combo. The big one thinks he's a lap dog and the little one thinks he is a big dog... Its crazy, but we love them.

    I am hoping that changing up my eating will stop the weight gain. Hopefully I will loose some too.

    Thanks for the hugs.


  6. Renee,
    I love rice... and I was eating it---whole grain brown, but who knows? I feel a little better digestive wise so that is good. I'm not eating any flour based carbs right now. We shall see...

    I hadn't thought about needing to change my diet around some now and again... it had been working so well for me.

    The fog has settled in here too.... I can't seem to remember anything these days. Even with two calendars and Rob, I am still not remembering things.


