Friday, July 20, 2012

Just a note

Hi to you all.  I so appreciate all your loving thoughts and prayers.  I am doing better and being much kinder to myself these days.

My brother is still not doing very well and we are going to go see him in a couple of weeks.  Yes, the trip will be hard, but I must do this.  I may not have another chance. 

I may have to have my knee redone.  It is not healing properly.  We will decide after the trip.

I also don't have Internet at home anymore so am only on some of the time when I "go" somewhere they have it. 

I will read your blogs as I am able!!

Blessings to you all and thanks so much for being there for me!



  1. Elaine, sending you much warmth and encouragement. I hope you continue to do better and wish you a good journey to see your brother. Strength, endurance, peace and comfort to you both.

  2. I'm keeping you in my prayers Elaine...

  3. Your knee??? REDONE? Oh poo. I'm sorry to hear this. By now, I have been slow with my blog visits these days, have you returned from your brother and how is he? And how is your knee?
