Saturday, April 21, 2012

I will try again.

Good Saturday to you all.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you might be today!

I came across this quote in my daily devotional a few days ago.  I was struck with how much it spoke to me and my life. 

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet
voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”
Mary Anne Radmacher
How many times have I felt that way?  Have you?  We keep on trying because we believe there is hope.  We believe there is more.  We believe we can!  We believe.
I hope and pray you will find courage today my friends.  Courage to try again.  Courage to keep trying even though it seems there is everything against you this day, this week, this time.
I will try again.  What beautiful words. 
The devotional ended with the words "Even for those who trust God, sometimes just showing up is a victory."
I can relate to that so much!
Praying we will all "show up",


  1. What a beautiful post, Elaine. Truthfully, I needed to hear those words today. I will try again tomorrow! Even with all the joy I feel with Joel's overnight healing/miracle, I can be discouraged when I look in the mirror at my own reflection. I have that poster on my wall I have mentioned before that is of women around the world in their colorful native garb and it says..."Many strong and beautiful women". That we are!!! God bless your day Elaine.

  2. I will try again tomorrow. So simple and do-able, and still a huge accomplishment. I hadn't thought about how connected courage and hope are--it really is a kind of courage to hang onto that hope for tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this one, dear friend!
