Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a difference a day can make

The terrible restlessness is gone!  Praise God!  I have no real idea what "caused" it, but this morning it was gone.  I am so very thankful.

Rob went to see his surgeon on Tuesday and they scheduled his shoulder surgery for early February.  That will be interesting, since he does all the driving right now.... He will have to go several times a week for therapy.  Its only about 7 miles to the town where he can get it. His rotator cuff is torn in three places.  Hoping and praying this will give him some much needed relief.  And praying for strength to help him however I need to.

It hasn't rained yet today.  It's on its way, but not here yet.  Hopefully it will be dark when it arrives...I can shut it out that way:)

It's cold though, about 37.  I did go outside for a bit today and it felt so great.  The dogs enjoyed being outside too.  I think they are suffering from cabin fever too.

This has served to remind me that when the dark days come, I need to hang on and know that God sees me and loves me just like He does on the days I "feel" loved.  My anxiety, pain, and fatigue don't separate me from Him.  He stays the same!  Sometimes I can't believe He loves me.  I feel so unworthy.  But He is faithful and just and I trust Him.  I know that He is my Lord and my saviour and that He loves me.  It's me that has trouble wrapping my head around that fact.  My humanity shows it's ugly head and I start to doubt me... I start to think about all the "things" I can't do for Him that I want to.  But I stop those thoughts and focus on Him and all that He is to me.  He fills me up and gives me hope. 

Today He sent me a tangible gift.  I found a radio I'd forgotten about so I can fill my house will Christian music.  I immediately felt His presence.  Music worship is one of the ways I connect best with Him.  I'd been missing it, but simply had forgotten about the radio.  He knew the day I needed it the most.  And He provided.  Wonderful reassurance of His Grace and Goodness.

What did God do for you today?  I think if we look, we will see His work in our lives each and every day.  That is something I am going to spend more time focusing on.

God Bless You Today,



  1. So glad your restlessness is gone, Elaine! Wonderful news. Your husband's surgery will be challenging for you both, but as you know and shared, your faith will see you through it.
    I have struggled with anxiety for years partly due to one of the coinfections, Bartonella, and partly due to how I cope with stress. With ME/CFS our adrenaline is "on" all the time so it makes it harder to handle stresses that come into our lives. God is good and you are soooo right ~ when we focus on Him all goes well!
    No rain here! No 37 either. Tonight it will be -17 with a -30 windchill expected. Good time to stay inside and get under my Woolie.
    Hugs to you friend.

  2. Renee,
    BRRRRRR.... hope you stay warm and inside! That is way too cold...
    I don't handle stress very well either... still working on it....I think my adrenaline must have been working overtime...

    Thank you so much for being there.

